Are Toners Necessary in Skincare?

Are Toners Necessary in Skincare?

Is toner necessary?

Skincare lovers around the world know that the three basic steps to a simple skincare routine include 1) cleansing; 2) using a toner; and 3) moisturizing.

Even though this is widely known among skincare enthusiasts, using a toner is very often a skipped step in the skincare routine. Why? I don’t know for certain, but I believe that many may not understand the importance of toner, or they were a teenager in the 80s like myself, and have nightmares of using Sea Breeze, a harsh astringent (often the word “toner” was used interchangeably back then) that felt like pure alcohol and not only delivered a generous burning sensation, but also zapped all the moisture out of your skin.

So thankful skincare has evolved since then! But, even though I don’t know why applying toner is the most skipped step, let’s get back to that initial question again, is toner necessary? Absolutely!

What do toners actually do?

Depending on your skin type and how you apply it, a toner can serve many purposes! You may have heard that there is now evidence that double-washing is important to remove all the dirt, grime, and oils from your face. The good news is, if you use a toner with a cotton pad, you don’t have to double wash! One of the many benefits of using a toner is that—when applied with a cotton pad—it helps remove residual oils, dirt, grime, makeup, and even bacteria that may remain after cleansing.

Toners also help balance the pH levels of your skin, they act as a primer for serums and moisturizers allowing for a deeper penetration. Toners can hydrate your skin and even replenish nutrients lost throughout the day. They can be used to set makeup. Some toners can even calm redness.

  1. Cleanse: Apply with a cotton pad to remove residual oils, grime, and makeup after cleansing.
  2. Protect: Apply after cleansing to balance pH of the skin, which helps protect your skin from the elements and aging.
  3. Prime: Toners prep your skin, allowing it to better absorb serums and moisturizers.
  4. Replenish: Spray on toner throughout the day to replenish hydration and nutrients.
  5. Calm: Some toners are specially formulated to help calm redness, great for sensitive skin and rosacea.
  6. Set: Non-astringent toners are also great for setting makeup! Simply spritz on your face and gently pat in!

Today’s Toners & Astringents: What You Need to Know

Today’s toners are a far cry from days gone by! Back in the day, “toners” were often very harsh astringents, and these astringents largely contained alcohol. As I mentioned earlier, if you were a teen in the 80s, you literally could feel the burning sensation on your face when you used them. Thankfully, today’s quality toners and astringents are far gentler to the skin and are created to provide the most benefit for your specific skin type.

The terms toner and astringent are often used interchangeably, which causes a lot of confusion. They are actually two different products serving two different purposes. Astringents are designed for those with oily skin. Like toners, they help clean the skin by removing dirt and grime left behind by your cleanser, but they also tighten pores and help dry out the oils (sebum) which often leads to acne.

What toner is best for your skin?

There really isn’t a “one size fits all” toner. Eve Organics Beauty toners and astringent, for example, are each created for a specific skin type, ensuring the toner is addressing the needs of your skin, using plant-based, organic ingredients.

As an added bonus, all Eve Organics toners (not including the astringent) can be used to set your makeup, so it can perform double duty. Just lightly spritz on your face and gently pat in.


My favorite toner is from Eve Organic’s Embrace line, which is fabulous in fighting the signs of premature aging. Their Embrace Toner’s mineral rich formula is infused with sea kelp and sea water helping your skin retain moisture, increase elasticity and reduce redness.

It also hydrates and balances the skin after cleansing while helping your skin fully absorb serum and moisturizer.It can be applied directly to your skin by spritzing it on your face.


Their Renewal line was developed to fight the signs of premature aging and to help hydrate dry skin. The Renewal Toner is loaded with hydrating ingredients such as organic aloe, rooibos tea, and rose flower water.It is perfect for prepping your skin for optimized absorption of your serums and moisturizer by applying to a cotton swab and sweeping it across your face.


Those with combination skin, have a unique set of challenges because they have dry skin in some areas and oily skin in others. Eve Organics Balance line was created with a proprietary blend of essential oils that was designed to help fight against hormonal breakouts. The Balance Toner is formulated to enhance moisture retention and assist in the clearing of hormonal or occasional breakouts.

This hydrating toner preps your skin to allow it to absorb serums and moisturizers more easily and is organic aloe based, with 93% organic content to calm, heal and soothe. Witch hazel and tea tree oil calm breakouts, while rose distillate moisturizes. Spritz on a cotton square and gently sweep the cotton square all over your face.


For those with sensitive skin, Eve Organic’s Universal line is the one to use. The Universal Toner is super gentle but effective as it is infused with lavender and chamomile to hydrate and soothe the skin. Apply to a cotton pad, and liberally but gently sweep over your entire face. After finishing, spritz directly on your face to prime for your serums and moisturizers.


Lastly, is an astringent as part of the Clarity line, which was designed for oily or acne prone skin. The Clarity Astringent is gentle but effective at tightening pores and preparing skin for serums and moisturizer. After cleansing, spray onto a cotton square and apply liberally but gently, in a sweeping motion over entire face.

For best results, use the Clarity cleanser with the Clarity cleanser and Clarity moisturizer. Ingredients, such as pink and green clay which thoroughly cleanses and absorbs oil and organic aloe, Vitamin C and citrus extracts to encourage cell turnover. This line is your answer to clean skin without using harsh chemicals!

There is a toner for everyone!

Whatever your skin type is, rest assured there is a toner or an astringent that is right for you! To get the maximum benefits from your skincare, remember that a simple skincare routine has three steps and be sure not to skip that very important second step of using toners!


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